An Early Meal. A Viking Age Cookbook and Culinary Odyssey.

Serra, D., H. Tunberg.

Hardcover. 192 pp. Richly illustrated. With Conversion Tables for Volumes and Weights (US, UK, Metrics) ChronoCopia 2013.

A cookbook and culinary factbook based on what we know today about the Viking Age food culture. Both the recipes and the factbook part are based on finds, literary sources, other contemporary sources and experimental archaeology.

"An Early Meal" takes the reader on journey to discover the food culture of Viking Age Scandinavia. In the first part of the book one will learn about what and how the food was cooked and eaten. These facts are illuminated in the second part, which is a cookbook containing forty-two delicious recipes from seven different Viking Age settlements. Both parts of the book are thoroughly based on archaeological finds, historical cooking methods and current research. The two authors of the book have a long background in culinary history. Daniel Serra is working on a doctoral thesis on Viking Age food culture and is an experimental culinary archaeologist. Hanna Tunberg has a background as food connoisseur, taste expert and archaeologist. They have previously written a medieval cookbook "En sås av ringa värde"

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